
The project offers the ability to remotely process the data on the Cersat Cloud Facility. This means that the user does not have to download the data archive (which can be a huge amount of data) but instead work and process them remotely. You can find here how to get an access to a virtual machine matching your needs and start playing with the Pathfinders Ocean Acidification data.

Concept of the Cersat Cloud Facility

To use the Cersat Cloud Facility, each user has to connect to an entry-point virtual machine (shared or user-specific), which is directly connected to the Cersat Cloud infrastructure.

Basic requirements

SSH Client is required since SSH Protocol is the standard way to access the entry-point.
An authorized IFREMER user account is also required to use the Cersat Cloud Facility.

How to get an access

Please fill in the following form to ask for your account creation and access to the Cersat Cloud Platform :


Please note that we reserve ourselves the right to grant or refuse the access to our processing resources, depending on the processing platform load and priorities. The description of your project will help us to set these access priorities in case we face with too many demands.

Connexion matrix/Specific requirements

Depending on your constraints, the way you access to the Cersat Cloud Facility may vary, here is the matrix summary :

Connexion from

Access type




Virtual Private Network ("VPN IFREMER")

IFREMER extranet & intranet account

- "NetworkConnect" is the recommended way to connect to IFREMER infrastructure from internet (easy from an up-to-date Windows desktop with antivirus and recent Java JRE version; painful from Linux)

- Remote Graphical Desktop with NxNomachine is OK


SSH Tunneling & Hop ("Vbannec IFREMER")

IFREMER extranet & internet account

- Once connected to the web IFREMER "domicile" portal and the Java tunneling applet started, user can connect to the "vbannec" host gateway. The , just ssh again to your Cersat Cloud entry-point

- Remote Graphical Desktop with NxNomachine is NOT OK


SSH (direct connection)

IFREMER intranet account user fixed IP adress

Easiest way to use the Cersat Cloud from internet, but requires a specific authorization

IFREMER network ("intranet")

SSH (direct connection)

IFREMER intranet account


Remote Graphical Desktop with NxNomachine is OK


Tools you can use to connect

This list is not exhaustive, but summarizes the usual tools. They all rely on SSH protocol.
Note : we strongly encourage to use the "nxclient" tool to connect to the Cersat Cloud infrastructure, since it provides an efficient remote graphical desktop (with session resuming when disconnect)

Command line tools :

  • from Window : putty
  • from Linux : ssh client, sftp, scp...

Remote graphical desktop tools:

  • NxNoMachine for Windows, Linux, Mac
  • WinSCP for Windows



Putty :
Nx/NoMachine :
WinSCP :

Important remarks

Any implementation should be done using an open source software (e.g. python, R, ... so we avoid any license dependent software)
please note that user-specific entry point server (running Nx/NoMachine remote graphical desktop for example) may be disabled if not used for 3 months. After this delay, send an email if you want to reactivate it. Your data will NOT be deleted at the end of the 3-month period. The project shared entry-point will not be disabled for the project duration

Terms & Conditions
Pathfinder data and processing resources are public domain and may be used, copied and distributed free of charge. Pathfinder data and processing resources may be exploited commercially to develop-generating services where measurable value is added to the Pathfinder resources by a service provider. Distribution or copying of unmodified Pathfinder resources for commercial purposes or financial gain is strictly prohibited. Users are required to acknowledge Pathfinder project in any resulting papers, products, presentations or other outreach material.

Any resource made available through Pathfinder is not guaranteed to be: up to date, true, not misleading, free from viruses (or anything else which may have a harmful effect on any technology), or to always be available for use.
No liability shall be accepted for any losses incurred as a result of the use of these data.

Contact and support

If you need support, please contact the Cersat helpdesk at fpaf at